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May Featured Artist: Emily Rosenfeld

May Featured Artist: Emily Rosenfeld

We are excited to announce that each month we will feature interviews with a Pinch artist as well as photos and videos of their process and studio space! We're kicking off this new series with beloved local artist Emily Rosenfeld

Enjoy 20% OFF Emily's pieces this month! The savings will be applied automatically at our Northampton shop and use code MAYFEATURE20 to shop Emily's collection online through May.

How would you describe your work?
“I am trying to make work that has meaning and spirit, I want it to feel joyful, I want it to feel deep, I want you to be able to make your own meaning.”

Tell us more about your work!
“I make it using silver charms and pewter spiritual items like traveler’s prayer holders and prayer wheels. I’ve also been working in gold! I have always loved the warmth of gold, I feel like it really holds a person’s warmth, their energy, their life. It’s been really exciting and I’m getting asked more and more to show pieces in gold. I find it’s what I’m wearing more! And I’m excited that Pinch is responding and making my audience for gold bigger.”

You’ve been selling your work at Pinch for over 15 years, do you have any sweet memories?
“Jena has always really given space for new things I’m working on and such encouragement, and I feel like everyone who works at Pinch really understands what I’m doing, like in terms of having the charms be stories that can be told. It’s been a wonderful fit! It’s wonderful to have my work in a store in my home town- a lot of the customers are people that I know, or friends of friends and it just makes the community feel like it keeps growing, and supporting, and I love it!”