Peace is This Moment
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This deep and simple volume brings together some of Thích Nhất Hạnh’s most insightful teachings to inspire our daily mindfulness practice. Through 365 short reflections on common obstacles and opportunities, Peace Is This Moment encourages us to engage more skillfully with life on every level. Presented in an accessible, page-a-day format, this book is a perfect companion for experienced and new practitioners.
Featuring carefully selected passages from Thích Nhất Hạnh’s vast collection of published works, Peace Is This Moment offers guidance on a diverse range of topics, including:
- Letting go of views about ourselves and others
- Reconciling with loved ones
- Decompartmentalizing our lives
- Transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary ones
- Meeting the present moment—wherever we find ourselves—with equanimity, solidity, and peace
With these daily practices, we discover that the deepest peace—the only peace—is available right now.